This grower has a photo album.
PEONY FARM is located in the beautiful Happy Valley of Sequim, Washington, right next to the Olympic National Forest. The 2 acre farm includes a colorful English style garden surrounding the farmhouse, a small fruit orchard, berry patches, grapes, a vegetable garden, AND the Peony farm. It is close to the John Wayne Marina (yes THE John Wayne), Sequim Bay State Park and the Dungeness Spit, right off state highway 101 at the 267 mile marker.
Much of the operation during fall and winter is about propagating, growing and nurturing the plants. Memorial Day signifies the opening of the garden to the public, when the peonies are in bloom.
PEONY FARM was established in 2009. It started with a planting of about 170 herbaceous peony roots bought from a variety of growers plus the subdivided roots from my own garden.
My love for flowers and gardening led us to move to the Pacific Northwest. Here I can have more land to enjoy my passion for gardening. I started out with 25 herbaceous peonies, 35 roses, 15 lilies, clematis, hydrangeas, 11 Japanese Maples and other maple trees, various conifers. __Yes!_ I wanted to have it all fast. I was a deprived gardener finally achieving my lifelong dream. _ My first exposure to peonies came from reading Victorian novels, watching Victorian movies and reading, yes! “Victoria” magazine.
Peonies, peonies, peonies – how beautiful and fragrant they are when in bloom. And the foliage providing a colorful landscape all the way to Fall.
This love for peonies and desire to acquire more of them, the discovery of intersectional and tree peonies led me to a decision to open a Peony farm. How else can I justify buying more peonies? And I really do want to share my fascination with the beauty of peonies and what a great and non-fussy landscape plant it is. People are reminded of peonies growing in their hometown backyard, a glorious welcome to Spring and a backdrop in their fond memories of Summer.
At this time, our stocks of most cultivars are very limited, but are of great value and beauty. Peonies are ideal plants for the north and are extremely hardy. They are great performers, and with minimal basic care, they will grow to provide a lifetime of enjoyment.
*Fall is the best time to plant Peonies, before the 1st hard frost when you can’t dig the soil. For those of you wanting to jump in now, YOU STILL HAVE TIME! *
Please visit us at: www.ilovepeonies.com
Peonies currently in bloom is available on Facebook. To access our facebook page, type this url address: http://companies.to/peonyfarm
You don’t have to be on facebook to see us on facebook.*